How to write cold call email template

A cold call email is an email that you send to a potential customer or client without any prior contact or permission. It is a way of reaching out to prospects who might be interested in your product or service, but who have not expressed any interest yet.

The purpose of a cold call email is to capture the attention of the recipient, spark their curiosity, and persuade them to take action, such as replying, clicking a link, or booking a meeting. A cold call email should be personalized, relevant, concise, and clear.

Here are some tips on how to write a cold call email template:

  • Start with a catchy subject line that stands out from the rest of the inbox and entices the recipient to open your email. Use their name, a question, a benefit, or a curiosity gap to grab their attention.
  • Address the recipient by their name and introduce yourself briefly. Explain who you are, what you do, and how you found their contact information. Establish credibility and trust by mentioning a mutual connection, a referral, or a common interest.
  • Explain why you are emailing them and what value you can offer them. Focus on their pain points, challenges, or goals, and how your product or service can help them solve, overcome, or achieve them. Use specific numbers, facts, or testimonials to back up your claims.
  • Include a clear and compelling call to action that tells the recipient what you want them to do next. Whether it is to reply, click a link, or book a meeting, make it easy and convenient for them to take action. Provide a specific time, date, or deadline, and create a sense of urgency or scarcity.
  • End with a polite and professional sign-off that includes your name, title, and contact information. You can also add a postscript (P.S.) to restate your value proposition, call to action, or a social proof.

Here is an example of a cold call email template that you can use and adapt for your own purposes:

Subject: [Name], I have a question for you

Hi [Name],

I’m [Your name], the [Your title] at [Your company]. I found your email on [How you found it] and I wanted to reach out to you.

I noticed that you are [What they do] at [Their company]. I’m curious, how do you [Their pain point or challenge]?

I ask because we help [Your target customer] [Your value proposition]. For example, we helped [Customer name] [Benefit] by [How you did it].

If you’re interested, I’d love to share with you how we can help you [Benefit] too.

Are you available for a 15-minute chat next week? How does [Specific day and time] sound?

Please let me know if that works for you, or feel free to suggest another time that suits you better.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your name] [Your title] [Your contact information]

P.S. Here’s a link to a case study that shows how we helped [Customer name] [Benefit]: [Link]

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